

Services & Workshops

Building a brand that stands above the noise means making the magic of what you do as clear as glass. Clarity is the fuel of solid brands and even better marketing.

At Black Coffee Communications Inc., it’s the root of a philosophy built on the simple truths of every great brand: Clarity, Empathy, and Efficiency. Once mastered, the path to your dream of changing the world, one good idea at a time, is revealed. It’s time to step into your destiny. 

We specialize in dreamers, hope dealers and those who believe the world is better for every good idea followed through to reality. We deeply understand this unique community, and your needs are central to BCC’s brand marketing and communications guidance.

Our services and workshops are customized for entrepreneurs, startup founders, non-profit organizations, and leaders.

If you’re ready for your close-up, we’re ready for you.


The Fingerprint Project

Your brand is the cornerstone of your success as an entrepreneur, startup or non-profit organization.

To truly stand out in today’s crowded market, you need more than just a logo and a catchy slogan. You need clarity–clarity in your brand message, clarity in your target audience, and clarity in your offerings.

When your brand is clear and aligned with your values, purpose, and audience, magic happens. You attract the right people, differentiate yourself from the competition, and build a loyal following that believes in what you do.

The Fingerprint Project is a transformative program that takes you from a “good idea” to a marketing blueprint and plan that drives sales and success.

The Fingerprint process builds brands fast. You’ll walk away with a customized, actionable toolkit to go from misunderstood to booked. By refining your superpower, brand identity, and how it all works together to serve the unique needs of people looking for just what you have to offer, you’ll make more vital, lasting impressions with the people who matter most—clients, investors, customers, and supporters. Boost visibility and engagement, increase sales and support, and stay agile in a changing market without constantly reinventing your approach.

Uncover your brand’s unique Fingerprint and how to harness it to achieve remarkable impact

Want to understand how The Fingerprint Project can change the game?


From “Can I?” to “I do”

Founders & Startups

Make the unimaginable tangible.

Non-Profit & NGO

Create connection for change

The Fingerprint for Entrepreneurs

There’s no more challenging time than the tender, early days of business when you’re a company of one or a loyal few, and you see your brand’s fruition before it twinkles in anyone else’s eye. It’s a challenge for many reasons, but mainly because you’re making big business decisions you hope will stand the test of time–alone.

What if you could go through the process with guidance, feedback and expertise to match your dreams? That’s what the Fingerprint Project offers entrepreneurs like you. Together, we’ll clear away confusion, identify your authentic audiences, align your services, and streamline your messaging. You’ll walk away with a customized toolbox that delivers consistent, powerful connections with your audience, boosts sales and customer loyalty, and builds market adaptability—once and for all, directly impacting your business goals.

The Fingerprint for Founders & Startups

For startups, the Fingerprint Project is a game-changer.

When you know your product is about to solve troubles and make people’s lives easier, the challenge is helping others to see the vision before it’s real. We help you avoid the common pitfalls of unclear messaging to create a narrative that is not only memorable but inspirational. We identify gaps in articulating your purpose and refining your brand’s core value so you can quickly identify target audiences and untapped markets. By cutting to the essence of what your product brings to the world, we equip you with a personalized approach for sharper, more effective outreach—boosting investment and long-term growth.

The Fingerprint Non-Profit, Not-for-Profit & NGOs

The story is the most potent tool non-profits have to gain support for their mission and vision for the world. The Fingerprint Project helps you make the most of it.

Together, we clarify your story and messaging to better resonate with supporters and untapped audiences. Our process pinpoints communication barriers, ensuring your mission and impact are easily understood. This empowers you to connect more deeply with your community, drive donor engagement, and increase funding and long-term support—all while staying true to your organization’s values.



BCC workshops are practical, deliver tools and insights you can use, and, most of all, fun! Delivered in-person or online, our workshops are more of a conversation than a lecture (because yawn!), with built-in activities that help the learnings to make immediate sense and apply directly to your current needs. 

Marketing for Not-for-Profits

A framework to discover, develop, and succeed at marketing non-profit organizations–for good

  • Perfect for NFP/NGO teams and leaders responsible for:
    • Communications, Social Media, Marketing
    • Fundraising, Events and Sponsorship
  • Duration:
    • Online: 90 mins
    • In-Person: 120 mins

What if it was possible to market ‘goodness’ like brands market products? For non-profit organizations, this is not only possible but vital.

However, it requires knowledge of the unique non-profit landscape and its unique challenges, especially capacity-related. The perception of your brand and the effectiveness of your communications directly affect opportunities to attract the funding you need to change the world.

This workshop, tailored for lower-capacity teams and resources, will reveal how your organization can still succeed in building pointed, lasting connections, support, and action. 

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Communication for Connection

Building Truly Effective Communications for a Non-Profit World

  • Perfect for NFP/NGO teams and leaders responsible for:
    • Internal, External and Stakeholder Communications, Social Media, Marketing
    • Fundraising
  • Duration:
    • Online: 90 mins
    • In-Person: 120 mins

Communications play a critical role in fostering trust, engagement, and impact. Effective communication isn’t just about conveying information in a rapidly evolving landscape—it’s about forging meaningful connections with the diverse audiences and stakeholders you serve and engage with daily. 

In this interactive and dynamic session, participants will explore building practical communication approaches and strategies tailored to the non-profit sector landscape, including navigating capacity challenges. The content is designed to apply to your organization’s communication needs immediately. 

We’ll delve into the practical cornerstones of effective communication: clarity, empathy, and efficiency. Understanding and practicing empathy in your communication strategies is an essential ingredient for building robust connections with diverse audiences. 

Join us for a dynamic and thought-provoking workshop that will empower you to build bridges, spark connections, and make a lasting impact in the non-profit sector.

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Marketing for Creative Entrepreneurs

Conquer overwhelm to design a marketing machine that works as hard as you do

  • Perfect Entrepreneurs, Founders and NFP Leaders in Creative fields
  • Duration:
    • Online: 90 mins
    • In-Person: 120 mins

Those willing to forge into creative business are often the most impactful. However, learning to market the magic of the arts, the spiritual or the intangible, is challenging when it doesn’t seem to align with your purpose. The good news is that a systematic approach can capture the beauty of services that feed the soul and transform it into business success.

We’ll cover the foundations of building clear brand and marketing communications and processes, storytelling, audience segmentation, and how to tailor your offerings and services to suit them.

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Why not you?

Your vision for the world deserves to be heard. The next success story, is yours.


Amazing Clients = Beautiful Relationships

“I’m so pleased with our experience with BCC. They energized and unified my team so that we could step up and create content with confidence and purpose. I highly recommend working with them..”

Robyn G.

Founder ・ Movies For Mommies

“Mercedes’ insight into the most effective social media and digital platforms to spend our advertising budget on will benefit our campaign by ensuring we are using the best strategies to engage our target audience while being fiscally responsible.”

Jaimie C.
Organic Council of Ontario